Off-Site Stream Investigation Summary
Initial screening of floodplain soil, surface water, sediment, and fish/crayfish was completed in October 2001.
Results of the October 2001 investigation indicated a general occurrence of PCBs in surface water, stream sediments, fish/crayfish, and flood plain soils along Bailey’s Branch and Pleasant Run to the east of the Plant.
PCB levels generally decrease with distance from the plant and the stream.
2.0 parts per million (ppm) for total PCBs was used as a screening level for floodplain soils.
2001 Stream Investigation Data Summary was distributed to U.S. EPA, IDEM, and USFWS on March 19, 2002.
Additional floodplain soil sampling was initiated by GM in January 2002 based upon the results of the October 2001 sampling activities.
Sample collection, sample analysis, data validation/ completion, and distribution to property owners is ongoing.
Results of 2002 stream investigation provide an understanding of the extent of the occurrence of PCBs in flood plain soils.
Additional sampling has included:
Agricultural fields soil, corn, soil in vegetable gardens, cattle, and water from springs and seeps.
High flow water sampling was conducted in May 2002.
Summary Report of 2002 sampling was submitted to U.S. EPA and IDEM on February 11, 2003 and is available in the document repository of this website.